Bossi offers product type specific guarantees within the parameters set out below.

Please kindly familiarise yourself with these guarantee policies should you have purchased an item from a store that needs to be returned.

If you purchased a Bossi Product (non-Sale item) from a store that has the guarantee card inside and the item has presented with a manufacturing fault, such as one of the following:

  • Damaged clasp / tab or closure.
  • Damaged internal lining
  • Broken zip (zip closures only), excludes the loss of zip pull tags (this is not covered as this can be due to negligence or wear and tear).
  • Sun damage – customer must report this within 1 week of purchase.
  • Water damage – customer must report this within 1 week of purchase.
  • Pen or Scratch marks – customer must report this within 1 week of purchase.
  • Damaged fabrication/pu/leather due to manufacturing fault. This will be determined on inspection at Bossi International Head Office.

How to return a product:

  • You can RETURN the product to the store from which you purchased it.
  • Till slip (proof of payment date) AND the guarantee card must be supplied.
  • If the item is within the applicable guarantee period and is accompanied by the above documents the store will exchange / or credit the item, dependant on their store policy for exchanges.


Credit for the stock is done between Bossi and the Retailer (store) only. Bossi does not process returns directly from consumers (the general public).

BOSSI Guarantees do not apply to owner negligence and are in strict compliance with above.

Stores may not sell stock they have had on their shelves for longer than 24 months with a guarantee card in place. Such stock no longer carries any guarantees. Disputes regarding such stock will be handled between the store and the consumer.


All Guarantees below are with the exception that Stores may not sell stock they have had on their shelves for longer than 24 months with a guarantee card in place. Such stock no longer carries any guarantees. Disputes regarding such stock will be handled between the store and the consumer.

NON – LEATHER PRODUCTS (PU OR NYLON): 6 Month Guarantee from date of purchase              



Sale items do not have ANY guarantees.


LEATHER PRODUCTS (excluding belts and bracelets): 12 Month Guarantee from date of purchase
  •                WALLETS
  •                 BAGS


BELTS: 3 Month Guarantee from date of purchase on:

– Hardware faults.

– Stitching, manufacture fault.

BRACELETS: 1 Month Guarantee from date of purchase on:

– Magnetic clasp fault

– Leather and/or braid material separation from the magnetic clasps



  • Sale items do not have ANY guarantees.